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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Elementary and Secondary Schools (naics 6111)
See industry description for 611110.
608 employers found

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sorted ascendingEmployer Name  Address  City  State Employees

 Newport Town School District    Route 105    Newport Center    VT 10-19
 Newton School    Vt Route 132    South Strafford    VT 20-49
 North Country Supervisory Unn    Duchess Ave # A    Newport    VT 20-49
 North Country Union High Sch    Veterans Ave    Newport    VT 100-249
 North Country Union Jr High    Jr High Dr    Derby    VT 50-99
 North Hero Elementary School    US Route 2    North Hero    VT 20-49
 North Hero Town School Dist    US Route 2    North Hero    VT 10-19
 Northeast Primary School    Temple St    Rutland    VT 50-99
 Northfield Elementary School    Cross St    Northfield    VT 50-99
 Northfield High School    Cross St # 2    Northfield    VT 50-99
 Northlands Job Corps Ctr    Macdonough Dr    Vergennes    VT 20-49
 Northwest Elementary School    Pierpoint Ave    Rutland    VT 50-99
 Norwich School Dist Town    Church St    Norwich    VT 50-99
 Oak Grove School    Moreland Ave    Brattleboro    VT 20-49
 Ontop Alternative Program    Institute Rd    Burlington    VT 10-19
 Open Fields    Academy Rd    Thetford    VT 1-4
 Orange Center School    US Route 302    East Barre    VT 20-49
 Orange East Supervisory Union    Waits River Rd    Bradford    VT 10-19
 Orange Southwest School Dist    Central St    Randolph    VT 5-9
 Orchard School    Baldwin Ave    South Burlington    VT 50-99
 Orchard Valley Waldorf School    Vt Route 14 N    East Montpelier    VT 20-49
 Orleans Elementary School    School St    Orleans    VT 20-49
 Orleans Southwest Supervisory    Daniels Rd    Hardwick    VT 10-19
 Orwell Village School    Main St    Orwell    VT 20-49
 Ottauquechee School    Dody Ln    Quechee    VT 20-49
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