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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Business Schools and Computer and Management Training (naics 6114)
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in one of the following: (1) offering courses in office procedures and secretarial and stenographic skills and may offer courses in basic office skills, such as word processing; (2) conducting computer training (except computer repair); or (3) offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or client's training facilities, educational institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided by these establishments may include the use of simulators and simulation methods.
23 employers found

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 Employer Name  Address  City  State sorted descendingEmployees

 Vermont Afterschool    Kennedy Dr # 2    South Burlington    VT 20-49
 Creative Lives Inc    Houghton Hill Rd    Thetford    VT 10-19
 Hill Associates    Cornerstone Dr # 305    Williston    VT 10-19
 Knowledgewave    Lakeside Ave    Burlington    VT 10-19
 Affordable Housing Training    Tamarack Dr    Essex Junction    VT 5-9
 Intentional Peer Support    Jerusalem Rd    Bristol    VT 5-9
 Computer Coaches    Dorset St    South Burlington    VT 1-4
 Resource Engineering Inc    Mobus Rd    Waitsfield    VT 1-4
 Working Wise LLC    Maple Ave    Northfield    VT 1-4
 Chaikin Andrew L    Red Mt Rd    Arlington    VT 1-4
 True Vector Mgmt Consltng    Lena Ct    Milton    VT 1-4
 Clark Delia H T    Happy Valley Rd    Taftsville    VT 1-4
 Computer Training For Adults    Webster Rd    Hartland    VT 1-4
 Hughes Thomas J    Route 7 N    Milton    VT 1-4
 Leading Challenges LLC    N Hill Rd    Stowe    VT 1-4
 Mara Iverson Equity Edu    Elm St # 1B    Montpelier    VT 1-4
 Eplerwood International    S Union St    Burlington    VT 1-4
 Regen By Design LLC    Tunket Rd    Pawlet    VT 1-4
 Build the Battalion LLC    Main Rd    Huntington    VT 1-4
 Compacity Partners LLC    Campbell St    White River Jct    VT 1-4
 Chiron Revelations    Rustic Walk    Swanton    VT 1-4
 Fusco Joseph    Holden Rd    Chittenden    VT 1-4
 Tacitly LLC    Merchants Row    Rutland    VT 1-4
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