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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Activities Related to Credit Intermediation (naics 5223)
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in facilitating credit intermediation by performing activities, such as arranging loans by bringing borrowers and lenders together and clearing checks and credit card transactions.
31 employers found

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Employers 1 through 25 of 31
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 Employer Name sorted ascendingAddress  City  State Employees

 Western Union Agent Location    1st St    Swanton    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Cornerstone Dr    Williston    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    E Barre Rd    Barre    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    E Main St    Wilmington    VT 5-9
 Capital Bankcard    Elsom Pkwy    South Burlington    VT 20-49
 Western Union Agent Location    Essex Way    Essex Junction    VT 20-49
 Western Union Agent Location    Ethan Allen Hwy    Milton    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Hannaford Dr    South Burlington    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    Main St    Bennington    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Main St    Ludlow    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Main St    West Rutland    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    Main St    Bondville    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Main St    Fair Haven    VT 1-4
 Birth Into Being    Mccarty Rd    Marshfield    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    Middle Rd    Milton    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    Munson Ave    Morrisville    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    N Main St    Fair Haven    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Northside Dr    Bennington    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Prince Ln    Bristol    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Railroad St    St Johnsbury    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    River St    Springfield    VT 1-4
 Western Union Agent Location    Rockingham St    Bellows Falls    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Route 100    West Dover    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    Route 15 W    Hardwick    VT 5-9
 Western Union Agent Location    US Route 302    Berlin    VT 5-9
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