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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Nondepository Credit Intermediation (naics 5222)
This industry group comprises establishments, both public (government-sponsored enterprises) and private, primarily engaged in extending credit or lending funds raised by credit market borrowing, such as issuing commercial paper or other debt instruments or by borrowing from other financial intermediaries. Within this group, industries are defined on the basis of the type of credit being extended.
72 employers found

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sorted ascendingEmployer Name  Address  City  State Employees

 Academy Mortgage Corp    Main St # 3    Stowe    VT 1-4
 Academy Mortgage Corp    Mountain View Dr # 103    Colchester    VT 5-9
 Advantage Bail Bonds Vermont    Williston Rd    South Burlington    VT 5-9
 AG Venture Financial Svc Inc    Fisher Pond Rd # 4    St Albans    VT 5-9
 American Home Loan Mortgage    Green St    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
 Asaro Mortgage    Bank St # 1    Burlington    VT 1-4
 Benchmark Mortgage    Severance Grn    Colchester    VT 5-9
 Burlington Payday Loan Sltn    Main St    Burlington    VT 5-9
 Central Vermont Community Land    Keith Ave # 100    Barre    VT 10-19
 Chittenden Mortgage Svc Ctr    Putney Rd    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
 CTX Mortgage    Main St    Montpelier    VT 1-4
 Direct Financial Svc Inc    Harvest Ln    Williston    VT 100-249
 Envoy Mortgage    Brickyard Rd # 1A    Essex Junction    VT 5-9
 Express Mortgage    Connor Way # 270    Williston    VT 5-9
 Farm Credit East    Exchange St # 1    Middlebury    VT 5-9
 Farm Credit Systems    Essex Rd    Williston    VT 5-9
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    Shelburne Rd # Route7    Shelburne    VT 1-4
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    Williston Rd    South Burlington    VT 5-9
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    Main St    Essex Junction    VT 5-9
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    Route 7 S    Milton    VT 5-9
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    E Allen St    Winooski    VT 5-9
 Feltz Joseph, MLO    Main St    Burlington    VT 5-9
 Firefly Group    Bullock Dr    Guilford    VT Unknown
 First Choice Mortgages Svc    Main St    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
 First Homeland Mortgage    Hillwinds Rd    Brattleboro    VT 1-4
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